onsdag 31 oktober 2007

Teared apart of fear

The fear that breaths in my heart
Tears me slowly apartI can hardly breath
The panic flows up in my lungs
A word vomit is stuck to my tounge
I´m screaming in to the pillow, pain, pain
Over and again

I´m shaking, starring into the wall as I lay in my bed
I start to hit myself, try to bang the voices out of my head
They keep reminding me of everytime I´ve got hurt
Remind of every lie I´ve heared

I feel so weak and cold
So lonly and forgotten

I wish I was somewhere else
With someone to warm me
Hold me and comfort me

I hate being alone
I alway start to hear these voices
That remindes me of what I want to forget

1 kommentar:

Mone-chan sa...

Att vara ensam är det värsta som finns...
Att vara rädd samtidigt är ännu värre...